Business Plan 2020-2025

Our latest business plan sets out what we will deliver between 2020 and 2025.

How we created our business plan

To put our business plan together we carried out our biggest ever consultation with customers, with more than 140,000 people providing feedback through surveys and independent focus groups giving their views on bills and services.

In line with our social and public purpose, our business plan shows how the value we create is shared between investors and the people, businesses and communities we serve.

An independent group, the Wessex Water Customer Challenge Group (CCG), ensured customer views were properly reflected when it came to developing our plan.

Business Plan 2020-2025

Building on our strong values

We believe our Business Plan 2020-2025 offers an excellent deal for our customers, the enhancement of our natural environment, and a balance between risk and reward for shareholders and debt investors.

A summary of our business plan

From 2020 to 2025, we aim to deliver:

  • the best overall service standards of all the UK’s water companies
  • our largest ever investment programme to secure the resilience of our services and the water environment
  • a reduction in bills achieved through innovation and efficiency
  • an extension of help to the most vulnerable so that our bills are affordable for all
  • a more sustainable water management system that will benefit everyone.

We will also share a greater proportion of our success and do so transparently, by reinvesting in the resilience of our local communities through an independent body.

The map below shows locations across our region where we are investing in water and wastewater schemes between 2020 and 2025.

Future performance

We have worked with customers to come up with a set of commitments that can be used to monitor our performance.

Find out more about our performance commitments.