British Sign Language (BSL) and text calling
Find out how to contact us if you are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech difficulties.
Use our video call service
Sign Live is a free service that will connect you to a qualified online BSL interpreter. The interpreter will then relay a conversation between you and a member of our team.
Once logged in, select 'Wessex Water' within the 'Community Directory' and then simply select what your call is about.
This service can also be used for face-to-face conversations if we ever need to visit your home to carry out work.
Contact us through SignLive
You can contact us through SignLive using their app or via a web browser.
Use our text relay service
Relay UK is a free phone service for anyone who has difficulty hearing or speaking.
They will connect you to a relay assistant who will help you communicate over the phone. The relay assistant can either:
- type what the caller is saying so you can read their responses (if you can’t hear)
- read your written responses to the caller (if you can’t speak).
When prompted, please enter the relevant phone number.
Calls about your bill or account should be directed to 0345 600 3 600 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm; Saturday, 9am to 1pm).
Calls about your water or sewerage services should be directed to 0345 600 4 600 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm; for emergencies, you can call this number 24/7).
Contact us through Relay UK
You can contact us through Relay UK using their app or via a textphone.
Need additional support?
If you require additional support from us due to age, ill health, disability, mental health or even a temporary change in your personal situation you can sign up for Priority Services.