Save with GetWaterFit

Find out how much water you use and start making savings with GetWaterFit.

By using our free online tool GetWaterFit you can:

  • Save

    money on your bills

  • Order

    free water saving devices

  • Raise

    money for charities

  • Save

    water and energy

Illustration of GetWaterFit on a mobile view

How to get started

If you already have a GetWaterFit account, sign in. If you're new to GetWaterFit, sign up by entering your postcode and answering a few questions about your water usage.

Once we've calculated how much water you use, you will be provided with tailored water-saving advice based on your habits. You will also be able to order free water saving devices for your home.

You will then be able to make pledges and take part in challenges to save water, which will earn you virtual coins that can be used to raise money for charities.

Don't have account?

Complete the calculator and sign up today.

Already have an account?

Sign in and order your free water saving devices.