Switch to a meter

You can apply for a meter online if we supply your water.

Why should you switch?

Take control of your bill with a meter. Nearly three quarters of customers have a water meter and only pay for what they use.

Nine out of 10 customers who switch to a meter save more than £125 a year.

With our Money Back Guarantee there is no risk, as you can switch back if you don't save money in the first two years.

How to apply for a meter

Before you start, we suggest you check that we supply your water by using our postcode checker.

To apply for a meter you will need: 

  • details of the property to be metered
  • your personal details
  • the landlord's consent if you are a tenant.

Who supplies your water?

Find out what company supplies you with water by using our postcode checker.

Applying for a water meter

The easiest way to apply for a meter is to complete our online form.

What if you change your mind?

We understand that some customers are unsure whether a meter will save them money, so we offer a Money Back Guarantee.

This is our promise that if you don't save money after two years with a meter, you can switch back to unmetered charges and we will credit your account with any overpayments.

Where will we fit your meter?

We will try to fit your meter in the pavement outside of your property, so you won’t need to be home when we visit. We will contact you beforehand to let you know when we will be fitting it.

If we can't fit your meter outside, we'll contact you to book an appointment to find a location for the meter inside your property. Fitting your meter should take less than an hour to fit.

How will you be charged?

Your metered bill will be made up of a standing charge and a volumetric charge for your water and wastewater services.

The standing charge is a fixed annual fee for our services, and the volumetric charge is based on how much water you use.

To work out what this would mean for your bill, see the charges section below. Please note, the standing charges for metered and unmetered customers are different. This is because water and sewerage service charges are included in the standing charges for metered customers, whereas they are included in the Rateable Value unit rate paid for unmetered customers.