Send us a water meter reading

If we have estimated your bill, you can send us a water meter reading online.

Before you start

If you are moving home and need to send a final meter reading, please use our moving home form instead.

If you are a business or non-household customer and would like to submit a meter reading, please contact your retailer.

If you have received an estimated bill and would like to send us a reading, please complete the online form below.  

What you'll need

Your meter reading - we will only need the black numbers on your meter. See our guidance on finding and reading your water meter if you need help.

Your meter serial number – you can find this at the top of your meter’s case. It can be up to 15 characters long and made up of a combination of letters, numbers, hyphens and slashes.

Your customer number - you can find this number in the top right-hand corner of the first section of your bill. See our guidance on understanding your bill if you cannot find it.

Meter reading

We will only need the black numbers on your meter, which show how much water you have used in cubic meters.

Meter serial number

This can be up to 15 characters long and made up of a combination of letters, numbers, hyphens and slashes. In this example, it is ‘22M226371'.

Send us a water meter reading

You can send us a meter reading using our online form.