How we fix leaks

We fix around 16,000 leaks a year – 70% of these repairs are on our pipework and the other 30% are on customers' private supply pipes.

We appreciate the impact leaks can have on our customers and the environment, so we work day and night to detect leaking pipes.

We also aim to respond as quickly as possible to reports of leaks to ensure customers don’t go without water, while also reducing the amount of water wasted.

Learn more about our timescales and processes for responding to and fixing leaks reported to us.

Repairing leaks on our pipework

On average, we repair leaks on our pipework and carry out a permanent resurfacing within 15 working days.

If you have reported a leak on our pipework, watch this video or read the steps below to find out what to expect from us.

1. Reporting

Once you have reported a leak, you will receive a ‘Job Tracker’ reference number and a link, which will take you to updates on the incident you've raised. Updates will also be viewable on our work in your area map.

If multiple reports of the same leak are received, only the first report will remain active, and all subsequent reports will be closed.

2. Investigation

We send out inspectors to check all leaks. However, the severity of the leak may determine how it is prioritised and how quickly we attend. The general timeframes are:

  • urgent leaks (risk of flooding, to supply, or to health and safety) will be investigated within two hours
  • significant leaks (gushing/flowing water or damage to the road) will be investigated within 24 hours
  • smaller leaks (trickles and damp patches) will be investigated within three to five working days.

3. Repair planning

There are many factors to consider when planning a leak repair, such as:

  • the health and safety of our crews and the public
  • traffic management requirements
  • gaining consent from the Highways department
  • maintaining supply to our customers.

It can take 24 hours to five days to plan a repair after carrying out an investigation.

4. Repairs

Once we have completed the necessary planning and received all the required permits to carry out the work, we will set up a safe working area to protect our crews and the public.

We'll send out text messages to customers who may be disrupted by the repair to advise them of expected timeframes.

A repair can take anywhere between 24 hours to 30 days after the leak is reported, depending on how serious it is – we will usually do this within 10 working days.

5. Reinstatement

Once the repair has been completed and inspected, another team will come and permanently reinstate the area where we've been working.

This usually involved us resurfacing roads or pavements and cleaning the area.

We aim to carry out any reinstatement work within five days of the repair.

Repairing leaks on private supply pipes

We aim to fix leaks on your private supply pipe (the pipe that connects your property to our network) for free, usually within five working days or sooner.

If you have reported a leak on your private supply pipe, watch this video or read the steps below to find out what to expect from us.

1. Reporting

Once you have reported the leak, we will contact you to arrange an appointment with a Customer Inspector, who will investigate the issue.

2. Investigation

The Customer Inspector will determine whether the leak is on your internal pipework or the private supply pipe.

After investigating, the Customer Inspector will tell you whether or not we can repair it for free, based on our customer leakage policy.

If we can fix it, they will ask you to complete a consent form so that our repair team can enter and work on your property.

We aim to carry out repairs within five working days, but you can also request an appointment for a specific date.

3. Repairs

On the day of the work, our Repair team will call you when they are on their way. Once they arrive, they will introduce themselves and set up a safe working area.

They will begin excavating the area where the leak is. Once the leak has been exposed, the team can begin to repair the pipe.

4. Reinstatement

Once the leak has been repaired, we will permanently reinstate the area that has been excavated.

We will do our best to return the area to its former state, but in some cases, marks or outlines of the dig area may remain.

If there’s mud and debris, the Repair team will clean and wash down the area.

We typically fully or partially reinstate the area on the same or next working day, but we sometimes have to return at a later date to finish the job.

5. Leakage allowance

If your property is metered, our billing team will be in touch after the work is complete to discuss a leakage allowance.

Additional information