Our promise

We aim to provide you with the very highest levels of service and are determined to make sure our interactions with you are conducted with courtesy and consideration.

Our industry is legally bound to maintain certain standards, but we aim to go beyond these by offering you one of the best overall guarantees in the industry.

Here you’ll find our promises to you which outline the length of time we’ll take to respond to contacts and incidents, and how much we’ll pay if we fail to meet these promises. We’ll make some payments automatically, but others will need to be claimed and you can do this by contacting us.

Our promises to customers

See our promises, response times, compensation amounts and payment types for different contacts and incidents below.

Your account


Appointments and visits

Working in the street

Water meters


Water supply interruptions

Water quality

Lead pipes

Water pressure

Water flooding

Internal sewer flooding

External sewer flooding

Priority Services

Further information

Working hours

Our working hours for the purposes of our promise are 8am to 6pm and our working days are Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.


Our timescales start on the day we receive your request or correspondence.

Claiming compensation payments

Compensation payments are normally made by cheque or bank transfer. If your account is in debt, payments will be credited to your account.

Where we are not able to identify customers affected by sewage flooding, pressure issues and supply interruptions, customers can claim payments themselves.

Any claims must be made within three months.

If we fail to make a payment

Where we fail to make an automatic payment within the stated time, we will make penalty payments.

Where you need to claim a payment, we’ll make that payment within 10 working days of your claim. If we fail to do that, you are entitled to claim a penalty payment.


Any disputes arising in relation to guaranteed standard payments may be referred to Ofwat for determination. Their decision is binding.

When our promises do not apply

Our guarantees do not apply if we are prevented from meeting our standards as a result of the actions of a third party or exceptional circumstances, such as severe weather or industrial action. There are some other circumstances specific to each standard.

If you want to find out more

This webpage is intended to serve simply as a general guide to the guarantees we offer and does not attempt to set out in full all our legal obligations to you. For more information, please contact us.

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