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Get free independent advice
There are a number of organisations that offer free independent advice – they can help with debt, budgeting, ill health, disability, bereavement and much more.
Money advice
Debt and budget advice can help you boost your income, manage your money and deal with debt. If you need advice before applying for one of our schemes, there are a number of non-profit organisations that can help.
Extra support
We understand that sometimes you might need some extra help elsewhere. If you need extra support because of something like a disability, ill health or bereavement, these organisations offer free, confidential advice.
Find help through the National Support Network
We have teamed up with National Support Network (NSN) – alongside National Grid, Bournemouth Water and South West Water – to go further in supporting our customers in need.
NSN maintains and operates a national support services directory (‘Support Hub’) to help customers find external services, like helplines, and access support for a range of issues.