Help understanding your bill

If you’re having trouble understanding or reading your water bill, we are here to help.

How to read a metered bill

View a full breakdown of a metered bill.

How to read an unmetered bill

View a full breakdown of an unmetered bill. 

If you need help reading your bill

Priority Services is designed to support anyone who needs extra support.

By signing up, you can:

  • have your bills sent to a carer, family member or friend
  • receive your bill in braille, large print or another language
  • ask us to call or visit your home to read your bill to you.
Customers on the phone discussing their water bill

If you are unsure who provides your services

As we do not provide both water and sewerage services to all our customers, the type of bill you receive will depend on what services you receive from us.

What you pay for

Depending on what services you receive from us, your bill will be made up of a combination of the following charges:

  • Water – the charge for supplying your home with fresh tap water.
  • Sewerage – the charge for taking away and cleaning your wastewater.
  • Rainwater – the charge for taking away rainwater that enters our sewers after landing on your property – you may be entitled to a rainwater drainage allowance.
  • Highway drainage – the charge for taking away the water that enters our sewers from roads and footpaths.
  • Standing charges – the charge for our other services, such as customer service, maintaining and improving our infrastructure and reading meters.

How your bill is calculated

Our charges are set annually according to price limits agreed with Ofwat, the industry regulator, every five years.

We then use these charges to calculate your bill. Whether or not your property is metered will impact how much you pay.
Young family looking at a laptop

Rateable value explained

Discover how we calculate your bill if your property is unmetered.

Assessed charges explained

Find out how you will be charged if you apply for a meter but we are unable to fit one.