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No water
If you have no water, follow our advice to identify the issue and get it fixed.
Check for work in your area
Emergency or planned work in your area could interrupt your water supply.
Check our work in your area map to see if there is any work happening near you.
If there is, your supply should return to normal after it has finished.

If we are carrying out work near you
We send out letters 48 hours in advance if the work is planned.
We also send text messages about emergency work or issues that could affect your water supply as soon as possible. Learn more about how we manage incidents.
You may also experience discoloured water when we carry out work – if this happens, you should flush your cold water kitchen tap until it runs clear again.
Check your internal plumbing
If we are not carrying out work near you, the interruption may be caused by your internal plumbing.
Here are some checks you can carry out to find the issue:
1. Check your stop tap
Make sure your inside stop tap is fully open – follow our advice on how to find your stop tap.
If you recently used your stop tap, you may not have turned it back on properly.
2. Run your cold water kitchen tap
If your cold water kitchen tap is working fine but your other appliances are not, your internal plumbing is most likely the problem.
You are responsible for maintaining your internal plumbing, so please contact a qualified plumber.
3. Speak to your neighbours
If your cold water kitchen tap isn’t working, please check if your neighbours are also affected.
If they have no water too, there will most likely be an issue with our pipework, so please contact us.