Trowbridge education centre

Visit Trowbridge education centre to learn about how sewage is treated.

Education adviser Sue teaching children

Centre currently closed

Trowbridge education centre is closed for improvements until further notice.

Things to do

On a visit, your class will discover how sewage is treated and safely released into the environment.

They can learn about how we are part of the natural water cycle and explore the challenges climate change poses to both water and sewage treatment.

They will also find out how things put into our sewers, such as non-biodegradable items and fats, oils and grease (FOGs), can impact our services and the environment.

We will also teach them about the living microorganisms used in sewage treatment and how we convert sludge into biogas, which is used to generate renewable energy.


  • Fully equipped classroom seating up to 35 pupils
  • Literature and information boards
  • Water recycling centre
  • Microscope linked to a large screen projector
  • Television, video and internet access
  • Toilets (including disabled access)
Education Adviser With Kids

Finding Trowbridge education centre

Bradford Road,



BA14 9AX

Trowbridge Education Centre Location